Welcome to the Singing Page

Welcome to Mr. E's Singing Page!

This blog was designed as a teaching tool for Mr. Eichenberger's vocal and choral students. Students should feel free to ask and answer questions, suggest and comment on music, and share pertinent information with their online peers. On this page you can find a variety of class information: assignments, travel itineraries, weekly discussions, and rules and regulations.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stage fright

The crowd has assembled and is anxiously awaiting your performance. You are having a hard time catching your breath...your heart is beating out of your chest....you are thirsty...you are becoming lightheaded....What is happening?

Stage fright has affected all singers to certain degrees at some point in their life. Because of the sensitive nature of vocal performance, the singer's voice can be sabotaged by a few overactive nerves. Many singers have developed varying techniques to deal with nerves. Please describe your thoughts on nervous energy. What techniques work for you? How do you keep from letting your nerves get the best of you? Can you channel your nervousness into something positive?

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